Tags: engineering unit in data logger

Engineering Unit Conversion Made Easy with Microedge's Software

Engineering Unit Conversion Made Easy with Microedge's Software

MEI 25/01/2024 0
In a data logging application, the seamless conversion of input signals from sensors, transmitters, or transducers into accurate engineering units is a critical and fundamental process. Whether dealing with temperature sensors outputting a 4-20mA current signal or determining the dew point from temperature and relative humidity values, our Microedge Data Logging System excels in making these complex conversions effortless.At the core of our software and system are Custom Equations—source code functions written in C# programming language that empower you to generate any engineering unit of your choice. Let's take the example of a temperature sensor:This equation generates temperature value (0-100 Celsius) from 4-20mA current value.Within 'MyTemperature' function, you have the flexibility to integrate any C# source code, tailored to your sensor's specifications, to convert the 'Input' value into the desired engineering unit.For more intricate calculations, our system allows the use of multiple functions for a more organized approach. Consider the equation for calculating dew point:In this equation, 'Channels[0]' holds the temperature reading, and 'Channels[1]' contains the relative h...
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